Take care of yourself and others and stay mentally well so you can enhance your time at work and home.

What is Enhance?
Wellbeing practices are things that people do to have their physical, emotional, mental and social needs met. The things that are good for them or make us feel good such as self compassion and self care that enhance our wellbeing.
Why does this matter?
Our individual wellness is the cornerstone of a good life and this includes the work we do. There are many positive things people can do to top up their tanks but when they feel like they are running on empty over long periods, it becomes harder to refill and bounce back.
What does this look like when it's managed well?
It looks like managers with mindsets and capabilities to encourage individuals (including themselves) to seek the resources they need to proactively support their own wellbeing. It looks like managers that champion staff to take care of themselves and actually create time and space for this. Doing it well; exercising at lunchtime, healthy food in the staff room, mindfulness practices as part of meetings. The good news is that most people know what wellbeing activities work for them.
What does this look like when it's not managed well?
The workplace is simply a machine for getting things done. Managers rarely ask ‘how are you?’ let alone encourage and make time for wellbeing activities. It looks like staff are tired, unmotivated, stressed or worse. There’s limited positive role modelling of healthy practices like switching off from work on time, getting involved in team activities, making regular time to move or connect socially with others.
Ways to use this module
This module comprises a selection of resources on topics that can positively or negatively impact our individual wellbeing, such as sleep, stress management, difficult conversations, and connection.
- Pick and choose from below or better still, tailor something with your team.
- Talk about wellbeing practices and habits and see what kinds of things you can implement at work to support everyone.