Jane Boag
Risk Management Consultant

Jane provides wise and steady counsel as you work through strategic risks, issues and opportunities. Whether you have engaged her to work as a consultant or counsel on big projects or small you will be challenged, engaged and energised.
Samantha Hunter,
CEO, Occupational Therapy Australia

Jane Boag makes risk management meaningful and valuable.
No more will a risk register sit in a bottom draw waiting for an annual compliance review or argument about if the risk is Medium or High. With more than 30 years' experience working in health, community services and Victorian Government agencies, Jane works with organisations to solve problems and create/protect value by using a risk approach.
Jane’s style is informal, dynamic and tailored to meet the unique needs of each engagement through advisory services, workshops and mentoring. She’s adept at navigating the relationship between Board and management to ensure everyone builds confidence in their risk management approach, governance and reporting.
Strategy, risk and governance
- risk review / audit
- risk management strategy / implementation
- strategic planning / review / retreats
- board evaluation / development / mentoring
- constitution and governance review

Tenants Victoria

Grampians Health

Occupational Therapy Australia

Cherished Pets

Qualifications and recognition

Bachelor of Applied Science (Occupational Therapy)

Graduate Diploma Community Health

Graduate Australian Institute of Company Directors

Member Institute of Community Directors

Leadership Victoria member - Folio Program 2017

Member of the Board and Chair of Clinical Governance Committee at Wintringham

Victorian Women’s Governance Scholarship 2015

Caroline Chisholm Award 2011 – services to the community

Jane has the remarkable ability to genuinely connect to my purpose and vision, helping me hold the bigger picture, while navigating the complexity and detail of the how. Jane has an extraordinary gift of being able to decipher a whole load of messy visionary thinking and ideas and to distill these in to a simple and constructive "what's next" plan. She is highly ethical and professional in all that she does, with acute attention to risk and governance.
Dr Alicia Kennedy,
Founder, Cherished Pets